Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome - Day 1

I'd hoped I'd be able to write a more formal "Welcome" post, but due to a storm, a fallen oak tree & 20 hours without power last week our computer has suffered some technical difficulties, and I'm left to posting via Blackberry. It only reiterates that I need a new, working laptop, but that will have to wait.

Today is Day 1 as I start my homeopathic cure - elaps corallinus. I'm starting with 10 200c pellets twice a day as recommended by others who have HS. My hope is that after a month and a half, and after I get someone to do something about these 4 or 5 spots I've had that won't heal for more than 3 months now, I won't have any new break-outs. In addition, I'm in the process of going 100% Gluten-Free. Unfortunately, I haven't been as vigilant as I should be, but I will be, because at this point, I feel like I have no other choice. If the medical community isn't going to help me, I have to do it myself. That being said, I am going to the clinic in the morning to see if the PA will, at least, pack & drain these spots, since the plastic surgeon flat out told me not to come back, that he couldn't do anything but a 10 hour reconstructive surgery & to have them or a general surgeon (the people who sent me to plastics) deal with it. So, we'll see what happens. I'm hoping they don't say what they've been saying for months, "It's draining, so we don't need to do anything," even though it's been doing that for THREE MONTHS, I'm on 2 strong antibiotics & the plastic surgeon said for them to do a, b, c, but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? And with that, I'm off to sleep.

Mazel Tov!!!

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